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Members of "SOLMA [Soul Kitchen Market]"

**See English Below**

ソウルフルな多国籍ユニット『 SOLMA -ソルマ- 』 (Soul Kitchen Market の略)。
Live music is important for us -Soul, Funk, Rock, Dance, Jazz, J-pop-
それぞれ多岐に渡り活動しているメンバー達。音楽で今までやってみたいがしてなかったコトを“大人の本気で遊び心満載に気持ち(SOUL)をひとつにして、2013年1月 多国籍ユニット「SOLMA」として誕生しました。


まさか!?って思わせる良い意味での驚きを、いつも秘薬のように提供し、一度味わったらヤミツキになってしまうライヴをご覧いただきたいと考えてます。そ して、ライブはお客さまが居て、盛り上がってもらわなければ完成しません!そこで、参加者もメンバーだ!と考えてます。参加して楽しんで、人とひととが繋 がり、その輪が広がっていく。。。そんな場(空間)を創りあげれればと願いが込められております。 横浜のある八百屋の地下にある手づくりスタジオ、そこが我々の溜り場&練習場。 「音楽と料理ってクリエイティブという面では一緒じゃん!」「キッチンがスタジオで、料理人がユニットメンバーで、お店でのお客様とのやりとりがライブ じゃん!」「食と音楽を一緒に楽しむって最高じゃん!?」。。。と、横浜を中心に活動をしています。 2014年の今年、1周年目を迎えました♪よろしくお願いします!



Solma started when a group of us got together and began talking about what it means to have groove. In Japanese, the phrase “otona no honki” and “asobi kokoro” kept coming up again and again. “Otona no honki” literally means adult determination. In regular English it means “taking care of business” or “no messing around”. “Asobi kokoro” translates to “playful spirit”. So, we decided that we would put together a band that would take care of the business of laying down funky passionate grooves while keeping a playful spirit within the music. The grooves would be new, of course, but they would have the essence of SOUL.In Yokohama, there is a local fruit and vegetable market. In the basement of that market is a studio. As fortune would have it, the owner of the place welcomed us to practice there as often as we want. This basement studio became our home base and practice joint. One of the members of the band also happens to be a cook. We began talking about how cooking and making music were similar because they were both about creating something. So we started calling our studio under the fruit and vegetable market our kitchen. We are making soul flavored music cooked in our kitchen under the market. That’s how we got the name Soul Kitchen Market. Shorten it and it became Solma.We were surprised to find out later that solma in Korean mean a positive “No Way!” That sealed the deal and we decided from that day forward we would make music that always leaves the audience happily surprised at the power of Otona no Honki and Asobi Kokoro.A pound of groove, with a pinch of soul, a dash of pop, a teaspoon of jazz makes the stew oh so nice. Come get a taste.


◆WEBPAGE "SOLMA [Soul Kitchen Market]" :




Maria F. ( Vocal )

ex. COM-BAD'S /TransTexas

Marcellus Nealy
( Vocal & Sax )

ex. TransTexas

SEI ( Keyboard )

ex. Afro Spot

Mokkun ( Guitar )

ex. Afro Spot

ZIN ( Drums & Percussion )

ex. Afro Spot

SHO ( Drums & Percussion )
Kimberly ( Back Chorus )

≒ momo ( Creative Director )


norixmountain ( Engineer )

ex. TransTexas

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